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Selling your property?
Save thousands on commission!
Four Choices

1. Free To List Test the market by listing on a range of free property sales sites.

2. Diy Private Sale  Sell your house yourself with a Premiere (top) listing on 
from $999. Feature on Domain from $250.

3. Smart Sale Our Experienced Agent dedicated to Your Sale, with flat 
fee $6,900 includes Premiere listing on and commission.

4. Ultimate Sale Full agent service, one fee on settlement covers Marketing, Conveyancing and Commission.

We offer sellers a range of money saving options when selling their property. Sellers can choose to sell privately with access to the top marketing packages normally available only to agents, or they can choose our full agency service at a fraction of the cost charged by franchised agents.


Pay nothing until settlement option.

Debbie Lubke


Sell House Myself
Sell house privately
Sell House Privately

We Recommend   

Sell House privately
Sell House privately
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